Friday, May 28, 2010

Glory Days

I haven't written much lately. We've been so busy, with something almost every night, and two things on Saturdays, for the past few weeks.

Tonight, my kids' swim team had a pizza party, like they do before every home meet. People set up "pop-ups," or canopies for shade, and otherwise get ready for the meet the next morning. This time, they announced they would be having family relay races, so J, L, a reluctant S and I decided to participate. L is probably the slowest swimmer on the team, so we weren't in it to win, but it seemed fun.

I don't remember the last time I swam a sprint, and I hadn't used a starting block in 20+ years, but I felt good in a warm-up dive. I am admittedly out of shape and don't have good endurance, but I thought I could show these kids and the other participating dads a flash of my former prowess. As J touched the wall after his leg, I sprung off the block, got a good underwater kick--and immediately got a Charlie horse in my calf, before I had even surfaced. Guess I better warm up first next time. Or better yet, take a master class and get in shape.

For the record, though, I did swim a pretty fast no-breather* through the leg cramp, although my loose-fitting Bermuda shorts started slipping, and I almost exposed myself. Now, where's that Icy Hot?

* No-breather: Swimming the entire (25 meter) pool length without breathing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things kids say

My 5 yo asked me tonight, "Dad, are you going to be dead in five years?"
"Dead. You know, like Michael Jackson. When are you going to die?"
"I don't know! Hopefully not until I'm old."
"You want to be old?"

Hopefully yes, eventually...though I'll still be "Bad" at heart...

Busy day

Last weekend was a busy one. I took my son J golfing for the first time. He'll turn 10 this summer, and he's wanted to go for a while. I don't play much, but I want to start playing more. I recently missed out on a work-santioned golf outing because I didn't feel confident enough in my game to play. There was a small group there that included several legal executives, so I decided I need to play enough to have those networking activities.

For my first time in Texas and my son's first time playing, we chose a par-3 course not too far from our home. The greens were in terrible shape, but the price was right. For about $30, I covered green fees for both of us plus a cart, which is a big plus to any nine-year-old. Many of the courses around here are quite a bit more expensive. The one closest to our home is 18 holes only, and it's about $45. I just can't justify an expense like that with any regularity, and a little more play is what I need to feel good enough to play for work.

Other than the greens, the course was pretty enough. We saw two large turtles, and J picked one up. We also saw quite a few frogs and ducks, and the course was covered with tall trees. J had fun and did pretty well, and I did good--by my standards--considering I hadn't played since last fall. I hit the last three greens from the tee, which is very unusual for me.

When we got home, I helped H cut down a live oak tree in our yard. It was a pretty tree, but it was crowded by several other trees that needed more room. Strange to say after our last two homes, but we actually had too many trees. We ended up paying someone to cut down a few other trees next to the house. We still have around 20 trees on the property, though.

That evening, we had the bishop's family over for dinner. He has nine children and one on the way, but the oldest two are out of the house, so there were "only" 15 of us. He is very extraverted, so we had a good time and laughed a lot, but I was tired by the end of the day. Still, it's good to feel like we're integrating into the ward and meeting people. H is enjoying it here so far, and if she's happy, I'm happy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Grim strikes again

On Thursday, I waited until morning to put out my garbage. I wasn't going to risk putting it out the night before for the dog. So, I put it out right before I took my shower, and I made sure the bags with food waste were in a garbage can and not just sitting by the curb.

By the time I left for work scarcely 30 minutes later, my nemesis had pulled the bag out of the garbage can and shredded it, so I spent several minutes in my suit cleaning up the mess. Grr. I guess I'll have to clamp the lid down tightly next time. Either that, or put out some hamburger laced with rat poison and shards of glass...