Thursday, September 1, 2011

Settled in, more or less

Well, it's been busy, all right.  I see that I haven't blogged in some time.  Does this mean the blog is going comatose again?  Maybe.  I'm not promising anything.

However, an update for those one or two readers out there who may be wondering--I'm realistic about my blog traffic--after stops and starts too numerous to mention, I am basically settled into my new home, with a little minor unpacking still to go.  It is not the original home I picked out, as that one ended up with lots of inspection issues.  The home I am in needed a new roof and some HVAC work, but the seller was willing to pay for most of it.  I actually like this house better than the other one, too.  The roof has been replaced, but the HVAC work is still in progress.  It is supposed to be complete on Saturday.  Luckily, it still cools well enough in the meantime, because last month was by far the hottest this city has ever seen.  30 of 31 days hit 100 degrees or higher.  I thought I was living in Texas, not Phoenix.  We are also in a terrible drought, which makes the fact that my new house has only front sprinkers mildly annoying.  But rain may be in the forecast for this weekend, so we'll see.

Also, in case anyone is mourning my forlorn status alone in my new house, I'm seeing plenty of my kids.  H has been a bit difficult to deal with, but I think we are slowly settling into a routine.  I like that I get them every weekend, since that is most of the time I have off in any case.  Also, despite my forlorn status, I have managed to go on a date and had a lot of fun.  We will be seeing each other again soon.

Well, I've been asked to substitute teach the gospel doctrine class in my new ward on Sunday, so I really should get back to preparing my lesson.  The regular teacher is very smart and well-prepared, and I haven't taught adults anything but legal compliance anytime recently.  But at least I have spent enough time teaching over the years that I don't have to worry about being nervous.  I just wish I knew more names of people in the new ward.  I'm not great with names.