Sunday, August 31, 2008

Called to serve (good food)

Man, I haven't blogged much for a while. It's not because I haven't had anything going on. Rather, I've had so much going on that the combination of busyness and paralysis of where to begin has kept me from blogging.

This weekend, for instance, H's parents are staying with us. They go into the MTC tomorrow in preparation for their 18-month mission in northern Missouri. They'll be assigned to two branches to work with less-active and part-member families.

Last night, we took S out to dinner at a local Thai place for her birthday. I can't believe she's 10 already--it seems like she's growing up so fast and has reached the milestone my older sister always called "double digits." I remember well reaching that milestone myself. Anyway, we went to this Thai place and invited both sets of grandparents. None of them were familiar with Thai food, but S loves it. I ordered half a dozen entrees and some appetizers and we passed the food around family style. I tried to stay mainstream with dishes like peanut satays, pad thai, and mild curries. I don't think either grandfather liked it too much. My dad dislikes both noodles and rice generally, and my father-in-law is a self-proclaimed meat and potatoes guy, but they both gamely tried almost everything and seemed to do okay. I made sure not to get anything too spicy, either, since my dad is very sensitive to many spices. It was enjoyable, and H and I enjoyed introducing our parents to some new dishes and trying a couple of new things ourselves.


PixelFish said...

Mmmmmm...Thai food.

Every time I try to introduce my parents to new food, we have to have the backup burger for my dad. My mom's a bit better though--I think it comes from all that travel in her youth.

WendyandGabe said...

Yum! What Thai place did you go to?