Saturday, March 8, 2008


The lesson I'm preparing to teach my Primary class tomorrow (I have the 9/10 year old class, the one my oldest child is in) is on Enos. Since I've written a hymn on Enos as part of my prophet cycle--which is still very much incomplete--I thought I'd put it in here.

Enos, hunting forest beasts,
Did yearn to be made whole.
Deeply sunk his father’s words
Into his hungry soul.

Then he knelt in mighty prayer
That stretched from morn till night.
Sweetly, softly, came God’s voice
To set his soul aright.

Humbly, then, the prophet asked:
“O Lord, how is it done?
Newly, I am born again,
For Thou canst lie to none.”

God replied, “By faith in Christ,
Thy guilt is swept away.
Thou didst hearken to my voice
And sought to walk my way.”

Gladly, then, I’ll seek his face,
With grateful heart, o’erfull,
For God only can assuage
The hunger in my soul.

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