Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hymn collaboration

I have a piece of cool non-work news. I am collaborating with an LDS composer and former professor and mentor of my wife's on a piece that could end up being performed at the BYU faculty/staff conference in a couple of months. It's based on Psalm 36:5-10, which is the theme of the conference. I've been working on a series of texts about the Psalms for some time, so it's gratifying to see something possibly germinating from this effort. I'll post whether anything comes of it.

Lord, whose mercy vast as heaven,
And thy faithfulness a cloud,
May thy righteousness, as leaven,
Lift our souls to praise aloud.

Wellspring unto life eternal,
Fountain pure and day star bright,
In thy law is joy supernal,
In thy light shall we see light.

Who can all thy judgments measure?
Who can all thy praises sing?
At the river of thy pleasure,
Shelter us beneath thy wing.

Oh, bestow thy lovingkindness
Unto those who know thee, Lord.
May we wander not in blindness--
To the upright send thy word.

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