Monday, July 13, 2009

Career goals

Man, Facebook has totally killed my blog. It's just to much easier than writing an entire post.

Anyhow, I was having breakfast with my four-year-old this morning, and we were talking about how people have to go to school to be smart, get jobs, etc. She then informed me that she is going to go to "space school," like her nine-year-old brother. Then, after a pause, she asked, "Why didn't you become anything when you grew up, Daddy?"

When I assured her that I did become something, she asked, "What?" in a tone of voice that clearly communicated that she didn't believe me. Maybe I should have told her instead that Daddy just hasn't grown up yet.


Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

Oh, that's funny.

(And I totally know what you mean about FB. My blog has suffered, too.)

WendyandGabe said...

That's hilarious! Being a grown up is not nearly as glamorous as you imagine it to be when you're little.

Ditto to the FB. I haven't hardly wanted to post in my blog either. FB is faster and more rewarding because people are more likely to post comments.