Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A little more waiting

The hiring manager from the company in Texas emailed me yesterday thanking me for coming down and saying they hoped to make a final decision by the end of this week. Hopefully, that means I'll have a definitive answer within a week or so and can either start packing or stop thinking about packing. I feel good about my odds, but I don't know what other candidates I might be competing against, nor what kind of compensation will be on offer if I am offered a position. So, for now I'll keep plugging away.

In the meantime, my department is being reorganized and my director will be under a different functional area. We've had a close professional and personal relationship, so I'll miss him. I also worry that our department will be diminished in the corporate pecking order within the legal function.

On Sunday, our ward (congregation) was also realigned, so I'll have many new neighbors at church and many old neighbors attending a different ward. The combination of a work and a church realignment the same week makes me feel change is in the air. It also weakens the social barriers I may have felt about leaving for a new opportunity. If change will be forced upon me anyway, why not try to make something of it?

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