Friday, November 20, 2009

Off to Houston

I still haven't blogged about parts of my trip, including the Amazon, but I've been so busy since I returned, catching up at work and also working with the details of the relocation. I've had dozens of phone calls and emails related to the various details of moving to Texas. My new employer provides a wonderful, comprehensive moving package that is very generous financially, but there is a lot of paperwork and other hoops to jump through.

I'm just about to head off with H, S, and R now to Houston. We'll have Saturday, Sunday, and half of Monday to find the house we're going to buy. We've been researching online and through people we know in the area for months, but it's still scary. Wish us luck. We have a list of about ten homes we want to see, so hopefully one of them will be the right one.

1 comment:

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

Good luck. Remember not to answer the question, "How much have you been approved to borrow," or the Realtor will immediately start showing you the more expensive houses.

Other than that, I'm sure you'll find something nice, given all the variables.