Monday, June 28, 2010

Psalm 51

Our Sunday School lesson last week was on David and Bathsheba. Such a tragedy for a man who spent the rest of his life doing good. We discussed Psalm 51, which is his contrition after his sin. Here is my rendering of that Psalm:

Lord, shew me thy tender mercies,
Cleanse me from my every sin.
I acknowledge my transgressions:
Wash me thoroughly within.

I have sinned against thee only,
And done evil in thy sight.
Save me from a fearful judgment;
Set my inward parts aright.

Purge me clean with fragrant hyssop,
Wash me whiter than the snow,
Make me hear of joy and gladness—
Broken free from sin’s dark throes.

Grant the joy of thy salvation,
Take thy Spirit not from me.
Then will I convert transgressors—
Sinners shall I turn to thee.

Open thou my lips for singing,
And my mouth shall sing thy praise.
Thou desirest not burnt off’rings,
Nor in sacrifice thy ways.

With a broken spirit offered,
And a broken, contrite heart,
I shall speak of thy good pleasure,
And yet choose the better part.


WendyandGabe said...

That sounds like one you should set to music. The sentiment sounds similar to my favorite gospel song, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."

dc said...

That was really fine. I wish more of your religious poetry/psalms could be put to music