Thursday, May 8, 2008

How not to get a job

We've been interviewing candidates for an opening on our team, and I've participated in some of the interviews. I was almost sad I didn't meet with one guy yesterday, though, as he showed up to the interview with mismatched shoes--one black and one burgundy. Now, lest you think this was some, "Pursuit of Happyness" moment, the guy is a gainfully-employed attorney who was otherwise dressed just fine. He just happened to wear mismatched shoes, one slip-on and one lace-up, no less.

My only question had I interviewed him would be, "Why should I think that you'll pay more attention to to the language you put in our contracts than to the clothes you wore to this interview?" I don't think I'm vain or brand-conscious when it comes to clothes, but come on.

Of course, this guy was no worse than the other candidate yesterday, who had no idea what the job actually entails and seemed genuinely confused whether this was a sales job or a legal position. Luckily, we've already seen several strong candidates, so it's more a matter of narrowing the list at this point. And that's something to keep in mind when you interview for a job: most of the time, there are several good candidates on paper, and they're looking for a reason to exclude you, not to hire you.

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