Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thanks, Microsoft

It's great to be negotiating an agreement where you hope to replace Microsoft. This morning, I was on a call with an attorney from a company you would all know. We were just starting to go through the redline document I had provided, when I heard "Oh no!!" and a series of beeps in the background. My counterpart cried out in what I take as an Eastern European accent, "I've just gotten a blue screen!" followed by, "What is a 'complete dump of physical memory?'" In spite of my sympathy, I had to push mute while I laughed out loud.

So, the call is rescheduled for a bit later while he tries to get his machine back online. My experience so far has been that Vista is about 20x more prone to crashes than was XP, which itself was only so-so. There is not one thing about Vista that is superior from an end-user standpoint.


Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

I totally agree. M just got the blue screen of death this morning. I thought that was a relic of a bygone era. Nice of them to put in those nostalgic features.

I have found one good thing about Vista. It has some better time-wasting games, or at least new ones. Inkball is fun.

Minda said...

Yes, but my blue screen was in XP (work laptop). It sounds like possibly the same error message--at least the part about core memory dumping was the same. Fortunately for me, rebooting solved the problem and everything seems fine.