Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Adventures yet to be

My sister posted some things she'd like to do before she dies and asked us what we had in mind on our bucket lists. I have lots of goals and things I'd like to do, but I'll just share a few in the adventure/travel category. These are just some things I'd like to see or do, not that I'm checking them off a must-do list:

Go hiking in the giant Sequoia redwoods of California
Visit Jerusalem when it's safe, Thailand, also when it's safer than right now, Rome, and Scotland
Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and then raft the Colorado River
Parachute from a plane
Enter an open water swim in a fun place like Hawaii
Live in a foreign country at least one more time, hopefully more
Hike Mt. Kilimanjaro
Visit the fjords in Norway or Alaska
Take an extended, multicity train trip (won't happen in the US with the current train system)
Work remotely for a summer from a rented beach house or mountain cabin
Visit The Maze district of Canyonlands (one of the most remote places in the U.S.) during a meteor shower and sleep under the stars
Ride a camel

1 comment:

WendyandGabe said...

I love the idea about seeing a meteor shower in the Canyonlands! Gabe and I would also like to do Kilimanjaro some day.