Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lost weekend

Well, my President's Day was less than exciting. Five of the six members of the family, including me, were sick for at least part of the weekend. On Friday, H and I were supposed to go to a local Japanese place that serves decent sushi, but S was sick with what we thought might be strep, so we didn't want to expose the babysitter. As it turns out, she didn't have strep, but she was miserable with flu-like symptoms for much of the time.

Only my older son and I went to church on Sunday. I didn't want to be there, but it was ward conference and I was singing with the choir. I used my voice very little during our warm-up before the meeting, and I expected not to be able to sing, but I got just enough voice back to do okay during our two numbers, fortunately. Hollie was sick and sent a counselor to ward council meeting, who ranted (accurately) about how little support the Primary has been getting from the bishopric.

Yesterday, I went with Gerilyn, my friend's wife, to look at some rental property in the area. They may make an offer or two, but I don't think I'll partner with them, as our goals are somewhat different. They may move back to this area from another state, so they want rental property which would meet that purpose, which potentially creates some sticky issues for me. I don't really want to be my friend's landlord if he rents the property himself, for instance. As I intimated in an earlier post, the friendship is more important than the business relationship.

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