Monday, April 28, 2008

My irrational fears

My sister had a funny post on her ten irrational fears, so I thought I'd see if I could list a few of mine. A couple of them are the same:

1. Having the garbage disposal turn on through a freak electrical surge at the moment I'm fishing something out of it with my hand.

2. Falling from a cliff or ledge with no railing, even though I'm standing ten feet from it.

3. Plugging up a toilet at someone else's house when they have no plunger in the bathroom. Okay, maybe this isn't irrational. It happened to me once. Brace yourselves: I successfully improvised with a very long screwdriver that happened to be there, no water contact required.

4. My car exploding because I have too much static electricity when I go to pump gas.

5. Running out of money through a series of disastrous expenses that all come due at once; being forced into bankruptcy; finding I owe a huge debt I was unaware of.

6. Backing over a child who races behind the car despite my checking and asking a nearby adult just seconds before.

7. Running out of gas without the low-fuel warning light coming on sufficiently soon to enable me to find a gas station.

8. Being late for anything; getting a flat tire and missing my flight.

9. Getting cancer from my cell phone.

10. Being fired after accidentally clicking on a link, mistyping a URL, or having a pop-up appear that has objectionable content.

Not on my list: speaking in public, dying, being in an accident while not wearing clean underwear.


PixelFish said...

I've put my irrational fears here:

dc said...

Number 6 is a very big fear for me, but I don't think it is irrational at all since it seems to happen all the time. Well, maybe without the "adult checking" part of it. Numbers one and three to a lesser extent as well.
