Thursday, July 10, 2008

J's Baptism

Well, we got all of the water cleaned up, but we had to rip out all of the carpet to do so. I sucked up over 300 gallons of water with the shop vac, mostly from the ducts, which run under the floor and acted as a sort of catch basin for the water. That probably spared the drywall. But we'll survive and move on. The in-laws moved their bed to the living room for the rest of the week.

The highlight of last week was J's baptism. He is a good boy, and he was clearly happy to be getting baptized. H and I played a two cornet arrangement H had done of "I'll Seek the Lord Early," which was nice. J bore his testimony on Sunday and said that when he came out of the water he felt warm inside, and that he had a feeling like all of his sins had been washed away. After that, an older child in the ward who lives across the street stood up and said she felt the Holy Ghost while he was speaking and remembered how good she felt when she was baptized.

Anyway, I'm just proud of the person he's becoming and that he is usually kind and helpful. He can sometimes seem distracted or inattentive, but he also asks very thoughtful philosophical questions that show he's thinking about more than just the next computer game or bike ride. I hope he'll continue to be both good and pensive as he ages.


WendyandGabe said...

He is a very pensive sort of child, isn't he? What a great kid! Thanks for letting us be part of J's baptism. We had fun.

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

Congratulations to J on reaching this milestone.

I feel relieved with my own children that they are turning into such good kids, regardless of my own bungling efforts at parenthood. The parenting thing is so difficult anyway that it's fortunate when you start with kids who are generally easy to parent.

Himni said...

I agree. I don't know that I can take credit for the way my kids are turning out so far as much as breathe a sigh of relief that I haven't yet destroyed their innate goodness.