Monday, November 17, 2008

Go Irish

A classmate of mine from my MBA days at the University of Notre Dame sent me a link to the latest Business Week rankings. While I realize there are serious shortcomings in rankings and believe rankings should not be the predominant factor in selecting a business school, I was pleased to see that Notre Dame has cracked the top 20 in the rankings. At the time I applied to Notre Dame, the school was investing heavily to try to build the MBA brand, in part due to a generous gift from the Mendoza family. I took a gamble, as it were, to go there on full scholarship over more highly ranked schools, and I'm pleased to see that the commitment the school has made to the program has translated into external respect and improved job prospects for my fellow alumni. I freely admit, however, that my decision was based on a feeling it was the place I was supposed to be, rather than a rational conclusion that the school was under-ranked, but would improve.

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