Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh, croop!

Little R got croop over the weekend. He had a rough night on Saturday, and neither he nor his parents slept well. Last night, he got worse, and H and I took him to the ER around 8:00. Despite a fairly full waiting room, they took him right in. His stat was at 85, meaning his blood oxygen was fairly low, so they gave him oxygen and a steroid shot. When we left, the reassuring nurse was kind enough to tell us the last child she saw whose breathing sounded like that, "didn't make it."

I didn't get home until about 2:00 and didn't sleep great after that, so I'm pretty tired today. Fortunately, R is doing somewhat better. It does mean, unfortunately, that our trip to Seattle to visit H's brother is out. They have three pre-K children, so we're not going to expose them to our germs--plus, who wants to travel with a baby in that condition?


WendyandGabe said...

Sounds scary. I'm glad to hear that he is doing better!

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

Yuck, croup is no fun. And as I remember from April, it's kind of scary when someone so little comes down with something.

Anyway, glad to hear he's doing better.