Monday, July 11, 2011

Christmas in July: Emmanuel, Emmanuel

Remember the Christmas in July sales?  They don't seem to happen much anymore, but here's a bit of Christmas in July.  It's a contrafactum I wrote last year for O Tannenbaum.  I haven't been writing as much lately, but I feel I'm coming out of a dormant period, and reading my old stuff gets my creative juices flowing.  Besides, I have to write some Psalm texts as part of one of my ticket items from the Wood Badge course I attended in May.

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, is born in lowly stable.
No royal bed to lay his head, a manger is his cradle,
While Mary watches through the night,
The star shines down its holy light--
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, is born in lowly stable

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, the shepherds kneel before thee.
No gift to bring the newborn King, they only shall adore thee.
The sheep now bleat, the oxen call,
To praise the God and Lord of all--
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, the shepherds kneel before thee.

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, O may I e'er remember,
Through deepest plight and dark of night, thy love a burning ember--
The price paid in Gethsemane,
The cruel cross on Calvary--
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, O may I e'er remember.

Emmanuel, Emmanurl, O let thy arms enfold me
Till life is done, the vic'try won. O may I then behold thee.
Before thy throne, on bended knee,
I'll praise thy name eternally!
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, O let thy arms enfold me.

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