Sunday, July 17, 2011

Psalm 42

This Psalm has been on my mind lately.  Here is my version:

My soul, O God, doth pant for thee--
I lap up truth on bended knee.
When shall thy face adorn my gaze?
My tears are meat both night and days.
My enemies do me deride:
Where is thy God? Where doth He hide?"

Yet I have kept thy holy days,
And sung with voice of joy and praise.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
Yet hope in God to make thee whole.
I will remember what God wrought,
Through angry deep with billows fraught.

And if, to distant Jordan's hill
My pathway leads, I'll praise thee still.
Thy lovingkindness shall not cease,
Midst toil and strife, I'll know thy peace.
Awake, my soul, and praise him yet--
Thy God shall never thee forget.

1 comment:

WendyandGabe said...

I really like all of your poems and psalms, but this one is particularly moving.