Monday, July 11, 2011

One year older and wiser, too?

Today is my birthday.  Not many 7-11's where I live, so no free Slurpee for me this year.  It's been a crazy year when I reflect upon it.  Last birthday, I'm pretty sure I spent alone because H had just come out of the closet to me and rushed off of a sudden to visit her family.  I wish the past year had been easier, but I hope I have used the experience to become a better person.

On a happier note, I didn't mention that I spent last week in the San Antonio and hill country area of Texas with all but my oldest child.  She stayed home with her mom at the last minute.  We had a very busy week, with two visits to Sea World, a trip to the Six Flags amusement park, the Witte science museum, an underground cavern tour, a hike and search for lizards, swimming, games, a drive-through safari, a 3-D movie, and more.  We all had a good time.  The only thing is, the #1 thing I wanted to see was the Alamo, and somehow it didn't happen.  The day we were going there was early in the trip, and the kids just got too tired out after the Witte, so I altered our plans.  Somehow, the week then slipped away from us in a flurry of roller coaster rides and dolphins.  Oh, well.  It's not so far away; I'll just have to get back to San Antonio for another visit.

Tonight we ate pizza and had some friends over to play Taboo.  I hadn't played that game for a while.  I usually pick more strategic games to play, and H was never much into word games, anyway, but I had a great time tonight.  I like strategy, but I also enjoy quick-thinking games that get everyone involved and laughing.  And, I admit, I'm just generally competitive and like winning, though I think I've learned to only take the game about as seriously as my playing partner to keep things fun for everyone.

1 comment:

WendyandGabe said...

That safari sounds like a lot of fun!