Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More lyrics: The Path

Here's a piece I've been working on.  It feels good to be writing again, from both a creative and spiritual perspective.  I wrote a ton of songs and skits at Wood Badge--some of the other campers thought I was on staff--but they were light and fun.  This is more serious and hopefully better crafted.

Jehovah, help in ages past,
To thee I cry from thorny path,
Where sin and error would entwine,
Betwixt me and the one true Vine.

I thirst for living water, pure,
Which every malady may cure.
I yearn for righteousness, but faint--
O help me, God walk as a saint!

For errors made and virtue lost,
I seek the blood, the nails, the cross--
Cry Abba, Father, unto thee,
As path leads through Gethsemane.

At last, though my poor flesh should bleed,
To empty tomb my pathway leads,
Where I shall triumph o'er my foes,
And rest with thee in sweet repose.

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