Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Barfday and new offer

After I wrote last night, L came down complaining of a terrible headache.  I got her some peas and tried to calm her while I finished cleaning up the house.  She fell asleep in my bed, but then woke up throwing up while I was reading my scriptures.  Bummer.  It turns out that, while she hadn't eaten much pizza, she must have consumed a very large quantity of blueberries earlier, because I had a mass of purple nastiness on my bedsheets.    Parenting is not for the faint of heart.

In theoretically better news, we got a (verbal) offer on the house today that is 20k better than the offer we just accepted.  Unfortunately, we're locked in unless the other people back out, but we can tell them we won't make any repairs, etc. and generally hold them to the exact letter of the contract.  We'll see if the other couple comes through in writing.  At least there is a very high interest level in the property, thanks to some dear friends who spent quite a bit of time helping us stage it.


WendyandGabe said...

Wasn't going to comment on this, but then I saw that you had actually stuck the label "vomit" on the end of the post. That cracks me up! Are there going to be more in the series?

Himni said...

With four kids, one never knows how many entries there could be in this series! Sort of like M's crazy things guests say and do series.