Saturday, July 16, 2011


It's been a long week again.  I'm just hoping to make it through the next few.  I put on a good face outside, but the constant tension wears on me.  I'm naturally a conflict avoider, career in law notwithstanding.  I like to do transactional law, because it entails getting two people who want to work together to the table and finding a way to make it happen and memorialize the deal.  Negotiation I enjoy, too, but litigation is not my thing.  H is much more emotional and prone to much more extreme highs and lows, to put it kindly.  I've had to try very hard to keep myself in check as we've tried to finalize details of the parenting plan.  I'd hoped to go to court on Monday to get it approved, but it looks like that won't happen.

On the positive side, I got the signed contract back in writing on the house I am buying, so that's proceeding well.  It looks like our prime buyers on the current house don't want to back out, so we'll just lose that money, but that's life.  You make a contract, you live with it for better or worse.

In the evening, I played a nice game of Ticket to Ride with S and J.  It's one of the better games for our family.  I thought I had it sewn up, but S pulled out a couple of great routes at the end and won, 102-100, and J didn't play a bad game, either.  I love playing games of all kinds, so it's nice to have kids who are getting old enough that playing with them is fun for the game's sake, and not just because I'm spending time with them.


WendyandGabe said...

Thinking of you and wishing I were closer to help during this intense time. Hoping you can find the emotional "red bull" you need to stay strong.

Michael Carr - Veritas Literary said...

I think you're right to go through with the contract rather than try to weasel out of it.